Discount Codes T&C’s

  • “Discount Code” or “Voucher Code” means a code that must be entered at checkout on online transactions in order to receive a discount or benefit.

  • Each voucher code is subject to (a) the specific terms and conditions stated on the voucher code offer and (b) these general voucher code terms and conditions. In the event of any inconsistency, the former prevails.

  • Not redeemable for cash and cannot be used to purchase gift cards.

  • Valid for qualifying purchases made on

  • Must be redeemed within the validity period.

  • Cannot be applied to previously placed orders or products not in stock at the time of purchase.

  • Discounts are applied prior to shipping.

  • Voucher codes cannot be combined with other offers and can only be redeemed once per customer unless otherwise stated.

  • Not transferable or redeemable for cash or credit.

  • Ongoing offers are subject to change without notice.

  • To apply a voucher code, you must enter it at checkout prior to completing the order.

  • Codes include;

  1. VETERAN (for veterans and military)

  2. HEALTHCARE (for all public and private healthcare workers, volunteers and their families)

  3. VIP (for all VIP, sponsored artists, sponsored tattoo studio owners)